Saturday Work - August 6th 2022

Tripp McElroy III 0 342 Article rating: No rating

The project will be working on the site this Saturday 8/6/22.  Activities will consist of the following: 

  • The site contractor shall continue with screening loam materials and commence spreading the loam material at the new athletic field area. 
  • The site contractor will be continuing with subgrade prep on the utility trenches at the perimeter of the Middle School South building in preparation for paving these trenches the week of 8/8.
  • The site contractor shall continue with excavation and sub-grade prep for the concrete foundations in Area C of the new building. 

This weekend work schedule has been communicated and coordinated with the Town Manager's Office.

Project Update - Week of August 1st 2022

Tripp McElroy III 0 284 Article rating: No rating

Please see the below project update and list of activities scheduled for the week of 8/1.

  • The site contractor shall continue their cut to fill effort of the onsite soil materials at the new track & field area of the project site.   The applicable project consultants shall be onsite to witness these work activities.  
  • Exporting excess materials from the site shall continue this week.     
  • The site contractor shall continue with the installation of drainage piping and structures in the utility corridor between the existing Florence Roche and Middle School South buildings.
  • Connection and tie-in of a new water valve is scheduled to occur on Tuesday 8/2.  This shut-down affects the water service to the Middle School South building.  This work and shut-down has been communicated and coordinated with the School District, Town Water Dept and Fire Dept. 
  • The site contractor shall continue with screening and amending onsite loam materials to be used at and around the new atheltic field.  
  • Rough grading of the new track sub-grade shall continue and be completed next week.  Fine grading activities are scheduled to commence at the end of next week.  
  • The site contractor shall commence excavation and sub-grade prep for the concrete foundations in Area C of the new building. 
  • Processing of onsite soils from in and around the existing track shall commence on Monday. 

Saturday Work - July 30th 2022

Tripp McElroy III 0 366 Article rating: No rating

The project will be working on the site this Saturday 7/30/22.  Activities will consist of the following: 

  • The site contractor shall continue with the installation of new underground drainage piping and setting of structures in the utility corridor on the North elevation of Middle School South.

This weekend work schedule has been communicated and coordinated with the Town Manager's Office.

Project Update - Week of July 25th 2022

Tripp McElroy III 0 304 Article rating: No rating

Please see the below project update and list of activities scheduled for the week of 7/25.

  • The site contractor shall continue their cut to fill effort of the onsite soil materials at the new track & field area of the project site.   The applicable project consultants shall be onsite to witness these work activities.  
  • Exporting excess materials from the site shall continue this week.     
  • The site contractor shall continue with the installation of drainage piping and structures in the utility corridor between the existing Florence Roche and Middle School South buildings. 
  • Prep and proof rolling of the native subgrade at the existing athletic field location shall continue next week.  Delivery and placement of structural fill materials within the footprint of the new building shall continue this week in this same location.      

Saturday Work - July 23rd 2022

Tripp McElroy III 0 314 Article rating: No rating

The project will be working on the site this Saturday 7/23/22. Activities will consist of the following: 

  • The site contractor shall continue with stripping/removing the asphalt materials located at the existing track.  Removal and stockpiling of the existing sub-grade materials below the track shall be done in conjunction with the asphalt stripping/removal activity.

This weekend work schedule has been communicated and coordinated with the Town Manager's Office.


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